Freaky Red Eye



Home page
Percy's Blog
Red's Blog
Links and Resources
About us

roll Wizardtower
roll roll roll roll


06/22/2023 X: Added a few blinkies, fixed some errors in R's formatting and code! Added more text and blinkies!
06/20/2023 R: Editing continued. Added images and changing some formatting. Added some text.
06/19/2023 X: New HTML template used, started editing. Originally used this template and edited from ©repth. Hoping to completely re do the code so it is no longer a template. theseus ship type beat. still will credit since its built from repth's design. just for practive!

Welcome to our corner of the internet!

What is the purpose of this page?

In a world where the internet is increasingly corporatized and minimal, personal pages like these are a rarity. It's incredibly important to build community outside of the main social media sites. What happens if they go down? You will have lost years of content, interatctions, and connections with your friends and family. So much art and writing will be gone forever, so many pages that were once used by people who have passed away will dissapear. After Geocities went down, many sites were lost to time. Countless historical accounts have been lost forever.

We are using this website as a personal blog, blinkie storage, and a way of self-expression! This website is also used by two people, Red and Percy. We both have our own "personal" sites under the Maplewoods name. We are the Maplewoods collective :)


Art by the wonderful Stiffyck

He/him, Anthropology student, interested in millenium goth fashion, Hermitcraft.

In velit nisl, eleifend placerat odio eu, finibus fermentum dui. Pellentesque pretium vestibulum scelerisque. Donec ac nulla iaculis, volutpat dolor sit amet, tristique urna. Aliquam dolor diam, elementum at feugiat a, fermentum non massa. Donec a porta lacus, non ultricies velit. Suspendisse commodo orci nec nunc interdum, non bibendum orci posuere. Cras nunc eros, pharetra sed bibendum a, dignissim id felis. Nulla vehicula neque vulputate interdum pellentesque. Etiam scelerisque eros condimentum turpis varius, ac posuere ligula auctor. Nunc feugiat tempus leo sit amet tincidunt. Pellentesque porttitor dui quis purus pharetra lacinia. Nunc at diam porttitor, dictum nisi at, pellentesque turpis. Vestibulum gravida pharetra ligula non accumsan. Integer eu nulla tellus.


Art by the wonderful Stiffyck

He/him, Artist, interested in innovative minecraft building techniques (Painting with texture and blocks, etc), cats, Hermitcraft, Star Wars.

In velit nisl, eleifend placerat odio eu, finibus fermentum dui. Pellentesque pretium vestibulum scelerisque. Donec ac nulla iaculis, volutpat dolor sit amet, tristique urna. Aliquam dolor diam, elementum at feugiat a, fermentum non massa. Donec a porta lacus, non ultricies velit. Suspendisse commodo orci nec nunc interdum, non bibendum orci posuere. Cras nunc eros, pharetra sed bibendum a, dignissim id felis. Nulla vehicula neque vulputate interdum pellentesque. Etiam scelerisque eros condimentum turpis varius, ac posuere ligula auctor. Nunc feugiat tempus leo sit amet tincidunt. Pellentesque porttitor dui quis purus pharetra lacinia. Nunc at diam porttitor, dictum nisi at, pellentesque turpis. Vestibulum gravida pharetra ligula non accumsan. Integer eu nulla tellus.